Experience the
ROG Difference
We have special events throughout the year that involve patients and parents, including holiday and spirit days, support for community events, prizes for excellent oral hygiene, and even a contest to win free braces! All special events are designed to help patients feel comfortable at their appointments and in our office.
At every appointment, one of our doctors evaluates the patient and prescribes treatment for the day. We try to have the same assistant care for each patient as he or she progresses through treatment to help build a comfortable, reassuring, and trusting relationship and to ensure continuity of care.
We provide new-patient tours and translation for our Spanish-speaking patients. Coffee and freshly baked cookies are always available.
Many members of our team have entrusted ROG with their own and their family members’ care. We have also had the pleasure and privilege of providing orthodontic services for dentists, their families, and staff members. We have treated family or staff of 80% of Berks County’s dentists. Wouldn’t you want yourself or your child to be treated where dentists send their families?
Our doctors have the highest ethical standards and want every one of our patients to have an outstanding result. That means a fantastic smile, straight teeth, and the best possible facial aesthetics and profile.
Patient Portal
Sign up for a ROG Orthodontics patient portal account or sign into your existing account by following the link below: